Saturday 17 November 2012

Microgreens Kit Instructions

We are super pleased to let you know that we can now supply you with a special kit for growing microgreens at home! It is now available on our website HERE!

In the the Microgreens Kit you get:  2 x Growing Trays, 5 x Growing Pads, A Starter Seed Pack and Instructions.

The unique growing pads have been sourced from the USA and are specifically designed for growing microgreens, they are super absorbent and you can throw them in the recycling bin when you have finished. Once you buy our kit you can buy the growing pads from us separately which makes this super economical.  One growing pad grows an awful amount of microgreens in one hit! You can also cut them into strips and grow different seeds side by side in the same tray.

Microgreens are super expensive to buy so get cracking with this kit and grow them at home cheaply and experience the taste sensation of growing your own.

The instructions are simple, check out how to grow them below!

Place your growing pad in the tray.
Saturate your growing pad and sprinkle seeds on top.
Mist the surface of the mat to ensure that the seeds
settle into the growing media.
Place cover over your tray.
Ensure growing media is kept super moist until germination,
this can be achieved by misting the seeds and mat 2-3 times
a day until germination.

3 days - Seeds Germinating.
Remove Tray Lid and expose to sunlight.
Keep growing pad saturated (not swimming!) at all times.

7 days - Seeds fully sprouted and growing!
Continue to mist your microgreens and keep moist.

At 7 Days.

This was a little experiment, growing microgreens in pure Vermiculite
in cheap flower bulb trays, placed in a tray with a little water in
the bottom.  The seeds sprouted well and this is the result!
You can buy Vermiculite from Mitre 10, Bunnings, etc and
the bulb trays come from any of the above or nursery.

Dont forget to visit our website for more great home harvesting products!

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